TM Research Journal

Monday, April 03, 2006

DSTM Polite and Java

Today I finished the Polite Contention manager component for the C port. I tested it then compared it with the agressive one for the simple counter increment/decrement test - I got the same runtime for both (8 seconds). Maybe agressive vs polite matters with more complex tests.

I also created a makefile to build the DSTM C port, and I built and tested the Java port as well. I have to mention that the Java benchmark script performed the same with both Polite and Agressive contention managers.

To have a viable comparison of both, I need to implement similar benchmarks for the Java and the C version and compare the performance of both kinds of benchmarks.

Todo list:-
- Implement common Java and C benchmarks and test them
- Read the garbage collection paper I mentioned in my previous post
- Reread the RSTM paper
- Write research proposal

Useful Command

To find the system specs of a Solaris machine
/usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag


  • Hey man, the command is useful. Want to try to run the C dstm in GEMS with transaction begin/end instructions? Maybe not now, but keep it in mind. Have a good day.
    Nice work.

    By Blogger James Wang, at 10:36 PM  

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