TM Research Journal

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Nested Transactions for LogTM and DSTM Progress

I think it would be easy to extend LogTM to support a practically unlimited number of nested transcations - where if a transaction were to fail, you'd only roll back that one. Basically implement some sort of stack and markers in the nested transcation thing.

Expert one-on-one Oracle

Today I read certain chapters from Thomas Kyte's Expert one-on-one Oracle. Good book which talks about how Oracle works - with a chapter on transcations.

DSTM Progress
Code is going well. I need to understand the cotnention manager since that part hasn't been explained in the paper. I had a look at William's port to C, I believe that the main problem he had was (from what I could tell) lack of experience in C programming. I am not a C expert by any means, but C was the first programming langauage I worked with at Uni so I believe that that gives me an advantage.

Tomorrow (Sunday) or Monday I will work on finishing the code and understanding the contention manager. I believe that if the contention manager takes me a day to figure out, I should finish the port in a week.


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